No one loves to hear the news that their HVAC system will need a costly repair. Trust me, we’ve been the bearer of this bad news more time than we’d like to recount. However, the sad reality is that, from time to time, your system will require more than a routine checkup.
In times of economic difficulty, the temptation is strong to put off these types of big repairs. Very often, you’ll ask your technician if there’s any way to “patch it up”, “bypass the issue”, or put off routine maintenance to buy time until the money is easier to come by.
If it is at all possible, resist this urge.
In nearly every case we’ve ever seen, putting off any of these types of repairs or maintenance will only cost you more down the line – in some cases much more. This is especially true in the Wake Forest and Raleigh areas, where sudden and extreme changes in temperature can wreak havoc on even the best of systems.
Consider a scenario that may sound familiar to many of you – skipping your fall and winter tune-ups. You figure that since the system has been running well and is reasonably new, it won’t hurt to miss one simple technician call. However, if the freon has developed a slow leak, or if the compressor is showing signs of fault, you could find yourself sweltering during an unexpected early heat wave. To make matters worse, you’ll likely have to wait much longer for service, as scheduling time for technicians becomes more difficult during peak seasons!
Even worse, one of the more tragic issues we’ve seen are homeowners needing to shoulder the cost of replacing costly system components that could have been covered under warranties that recently expired. Had your technician inspected your system just a few months prior, the manufacturer would have likely been responsible for the faulty parts, and you could have had your system run trouble-free for little out-of-pocket expense.
Finally, consider the case of the underperforming air conditioner. The homeowner realizes the system isn’t pumping out an appropriate amount of treated air, but it’s getting close to fall and ‘it will probably be OK when the weather cools off.” But, in many cases, this can be symptomatic of much larger issues, not just a lack of freon or struggling to keep pace during the hottest hours of the day. A visit from one of the technicians from Southern Seasons can help identify and isolate the issue, but a repair should be undertaken regardless. Without it, your system could be strained in other areas, requiring more costly replacements and repairs down the line.
If cashflow is keeping you from proper maintenance and repairs on your system, we urge you to give us a call! Southern Seasons can offer the most competitive prices of any HVAC company in the Wake Forest/Rolesville/North Raleigh area, usually beating the quotes of our competitors by hundreds of dollars. In addition, we offer financing in many cases, which can help spread out the cost over time.
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